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In Vivo Imaging System

just as it is . . .


Tumor Imaging

GFP stable cell line can be used to confirm tumorization. The created GFP stable cell line can be imaged In Vitro by using FOBI. By means of injecting GFP cells into subcutaneous tissues, cell proliferation can be imaged as fluorescence. In this way, it can obtain the images of metastasis to other tissues, in addition to quantifying and comparing tumor size.

Over the time, the signal strength of the fluorescence changes and the camera exposure time may vary accordingly. Because NEOimage analysis program can quantify the changes depending on imaging conditions like exposure time and gain, it can also compare and analyze the result of samples under the different condition.

Cell Tracking

Stem cells or immune cells with enhanced functions for various purposes can be imaged within the animal so as to ascertain their location and viability. Stem cells and immune cells are difficult to label with fluorescent genes. So, cells can be stained with fluorescent reagents in a variety of ways.

Stem cells and immune cells stained with a fluorescent reagent can be put into an animal using various methods such as intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection, and subcutaneous injection. These cells can be located by using FOBI imaging. Cell survival can be determined by using quantitative analysis.


FOBI can image GFP labeled plant leaves. Plant leaves are difficult to obtain images of due to the strong autofluorescence of Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll’s autofluorescence can be removed and analyzed with GFP using a specific filter.
The autofluorescence of chlorophyll itself can also be used as data. The degree of activity of chlorophyll can be confirmed by the intensity of the autofluorescence. In addition, images can be obtained from plant seeds and callus. Fluorescence imaging is possible with plants throughout their entire life cycle.

DDS(Drug Delivery System)

Stem cells or immune cells with enhanced functions for various purposes can be imaged within the animal so as to ascertain their location and viability. Stem cells and immune cells are difficult to label with fluorescent genes. So, cells can be stained with fluorescent reagents in a variety of ways.

Stem cells and immune cells stained with a fluorescent reagent can be put into an animal using various methods such as intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection, and subcutaneous injection. These cells can be located by using FOBI imaging. Cell survival can be determined by using quantitative analysis.


Fig. 1. Animal imaging by FOBI

It is possible to apply most fluorescence proteins and fluorescence materials from GFP to ICG using four channels of Blue, Green, Red and NIR. Since more than one fluorescent substance can be imaged, different functions can be observed in one sample. For example, tumor imaging and drug imaging can be performed in the same animal, so targeting and tumorization can be observed simultaneously. You can also merge bright images in order to localization the fluorescence within the animal.


Fig. 2. Fluorescence imaging of various materials and methods

a. Fluorescence labeled chemicals in the Zebrafish. b. GFP cell in the 24well plate. c. Fluorescence labeling test. d. Ex Vivo imaging for drug delivery system. e. GFP expression leaf infected gene by virus vehicle. f. Auto-fluorescence from the chlorophyll. g. Gene expression on the leaf with marker gene. h. Gene transfected seed seperated by GFP imaging.

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